The 26th Medical Research Conference is an annual research conference of the Department of Medicine of HKU Medicine. The theme of this year is “Interdisciplinary Integration". Speakers from various disciplines will share and exchange experience and knowledge in the field. In light of the recent development of COVID-19, the conference will be held online via Zoom Webinar:
Date: January 16, 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 09:00-18:00
Format: Virtual Conference
Artificial Intelligence
Clinical Trial Design
Drug Delivery
Gut Microbiome
Sequencing Techniques and Advances
Oral Presentation Session - Basic Science, Translational and Clinical Research
Poster Presentation Session - Basic Science, Translational and Clinical Research
Online registration is required with free admission.
Deadline for Registration: January 13, 2021 (Wednesday)
For further information, please visit: For enquiries, please contact